
Why Boral Hardwood Decking?

  • Boral Decking is manufactured from Australian hardwood species that have proven durability in Australian conditions.
  • Unlike many imported products, Boral decking has a Quality Assurance system that ensures strict tolerances and drying procedures to produce a high quality product.
  • Boral Timber decking is AFS Chain of Custody certified providing peace of mind that Boral’s decking is sourced from sustainably managed and legal forestry.
  • The same timber species can be used for internal flooring and outdoor decking, to provide a seamless transition from inside to outside, expanding living areas or to create an outdoor room.
  • Blackbutt and Spotted Gum have a natural fire resistance. Their fire retarding properties make them suitable for use in many bushfire prone areas under Australian Standard AS3959.
  • Australian hardwoods can easily be finished with a clear decking oil or stain. Alternatively the timber can be left to weather to turn an attractive silver grey. After timber has weathered it can be restored to its original colour by resanding and coating.
  • Building codes and Australian Standards should be adhered to when building with Boral Decking

Hardwood Decking

Australian Timber Hardwood Species – Boral Decking

Species Available

Not all species are available in all sizes. Other species may be available on request.


Forest Reds

Grey Ironbark

Spotted Gum


River Reds


Red Mahogany

Materials Data

PropertiesBlackbuttTallowwoodSpotted Gum
Natural durability class
of heartwood
In ground contact 2
• Outside above ground 1
In ground contact 1
• Outside above ground 1
In ground contact 2
• Outside above ground 1
Strength group seasonedSD2SD2SD2
Hardness seasonedJanka (kN) 9.1Janka (kN) 8.6Janka (kN) 11
Termite ResistantYesYesYes

Reference: Australian Standard AS1648.2 – 2006. ‘Wood in Australia’, Keith R Bootle, 2005

MaterialA range of species
Decking64 x 19mm, 86 x 19mm and 130 x 20mm
Commercial Decking135 x 32mm
GradesStandard and better
LengthsRandom length packs